Conference in Breda, a text by Andreas Faludi

Conference in Breda, a text by Andreas Faludi

Shortly after ‘The Poverty of Territorialism’ (Faludi 2018) had come out, I was invited to a conference at Sobot in Poland on Maritime Spatial Planning.

(See: Upon which I was asked to publish on ‘New horizons: Beyond Territorialism’ in EUROPA XXI, a journal published by the Polish Academy of Science. (Vol. 36, 2019, pp. 35-44; This gave me a, surely undeserved reputation of being knowledgeable about maritime spatial planning. A landlubber, I am still interested in spatial planning where the meanings of concepts like ‘territory’ and ‘border’ are, let us say more fluid than is the pretence on land. Be that as it may, I was invited to speak again at the conference on ‘Les territories insulaire de l’EU’ at the University of Bordeaux. My topic was: ’Goodby to Territorialism’.  All being well, I will be speaking along similar lines at Breda University of Applied Sciences at a conference called MUD: ’Marine-Urban-Development’. It will explore planning traditions and transitions on land and at sea and will be held on 2- 3 June 2022. See here: As always, my justification in talking about territorialism is that it does not apply, or at least not apply fully, to sea space. See here the analogy with planning where sea space is concerned.